VCS Vitreous ^5/6 Engobe Base
34% Gerstley Borate
2% Custer Feldspar
20% EPK
20% Silica
5% Zircopax
19% Ball Clay

Mary Berringer’s ^5/6 Engobe Base
10% Frit 3124
15% Neph Sye
25% Tenn 10
25% EPK
25% Silica

DePerrot’s ^5/6 Engobe Base
30% EPK
30% KYOM4
15% Cornwall Stone
8% Silica
5% Zircopax
7% Talc
3% Whiting
5% Soda Ash

Loree ^5/6 Engobe Base
24% EPK
19% Silica
14% Frit 3124
24% KYOM4
14% Neph Sye
* 5% Borax

Wunderlich ^5/6 Engobe Base
40% EPK
30% Silica
20% G 200Feldspar
10% Ball Clay

Hopper’s ^5/6 Engobe Base
15% EPK
20% Ball Clay
10% Talc
10% Frit 3110
10% Neph Sye
20% Silica
* 5% Borax
10% Zircopax

MB Vitreous White ^5/6 Engobe
50% Frit 3124
13% EPK
11% XX Saggar
14% Silica
9% G 200
3% Whiting
11% Tin Oxide

Transparent Vitreous ^5/6 Engobe
10% Silica 325
20% FRIT 3134
40% Red Art
30% Neph Sye or Kona F4
12% Red Iron Oxide
This is a transparent amber engobe.

MB Black Vitreous ^5/6 Engobe
23% Neph Sye
23% KYOM4
22% EPK
22% Silica
*10% Borax
4.5% Copper Oxide
4.5% Red Iron Oxide
1.0% Cobalt Oxide

Wayne Bates ^6 Black engobe
30% 6600 Black Mason Stain
30% 3134 Ferro Frit
40% White ball clay
Berringer Ash ^5/6 Engobe
25% KYOM4
25% Cornwall Stone
20% Unwashed wood ash
15% Frit 3134
15% Talc
7.5% Tin Oxide
1.5% Nickel Oxide
8.0% Pink stain

Cone 10 recipes

Randy Johnson ^10 Flashing Engobe
10% EPK
50% Grolleg
10% Neumann’s fire clay
03% Nepheline Syenite

These two posts are a compilation of ENGOBE RECIPES in a wide range of cone firings. Most engobes (with the exception of vitreous ones) are applied to greenware in various stages of dryness and fire to a dry matte finish.

Vitreous engobes are combinations of clay and other materials that become tight enough on firing to become vitreous. They have very low shrinkage, mature to a dense coating over the clay body and are truly the half way point between clay and a glaze. Like a lot of commercial underglazes, they can be applied to either greenware or bisqueware. 

The amount of a colorant to add is always given in percentages
When a basic engobe recipe is given in parts, all ingredients should be combined and then weighed dry on a gram scale in order to compute the percentage of colorant to add. Multiply the percentage of each colorant ingredient called for by the total gram weight of the engobe dry base.
For instance, if your dry engobe base weighs 300 grams and you want to add 5% Cobalt Carbonate to color the engobe, multiply 300 by .05 (5%) to compute that 5% Cobalt Carbonate equals 15 grams. Then weigh out the 15 grams & add the colorant amount to the dry base ingredients. Then add these dry ingredients to water and blend to a thick creamy consistency.
Straining is usually not necessary but a good whisking makes for a creamy mix. 

* Borax added to an engobe recipe creates a harder surface with is less apt to smear or powder off when dry.